Hi Jack, the sentence you highlighted is my opening "main point" statement and then I spent the rest of my article explaining why my point is true. If you finish reading the article, you'll see that I addressed many of the things you pointed out.
Racism is a fact of only the past 500 years of history because it was literally invented by White people in the 1500s.
I am not blaming White people for having the skin color that they do (read my article again), but I am calling out their creation of the concept of race and the system of White supremacy and racism, which they use to justify European imperialism and colonialism.
The Japanese example you gave is speaking to ethnocentrism, not racism. Japanese ethnocentrism has been used to justify Japanese imperialism and colonialism, and we can discuss it another time, but right now, I'm talking about how anti-Asian racism stems from Orientalism and White supremacy.
White supremacy has been exported to all corners of the world, so yes, it's very much true that people of all races can display racial prejudice, but that is not the same as racism, which is an entire cultural, economic, and political system of race-based oppression that White people created.